100ベスト聖歌 CD1 ケンブリッジ・キングズ・カレッジ合唱団 1 Praise, my soul, the King of
heaven (tune Praise, my soul) (words H. F. Lyte ? music John Goss; desc.
Stephen Cleobury) 2 Morning has broken (Bunessan) (Eleanor Farjeon ?
trad. Gaelic arr. John Rutter) 3 Come down, O love divine (Down
Ampney) (Bianco da Siena trans. R. F. Littledale ? Ralph Vaughan Williams;
v.4 harm. Thomas Williamson) 4 A mighty fortress is our God (Ein’ feste Burg)
(Martin Luther trans. F. H. Hedge ? Martin Luther; vv. 1, 3 & 4 arr.
Rutter, v.2 harm. J. S. Bach BWV303) 5 O what their joy and their glory must
be (Regnator Orbis) (Peter Abelard trans. J. M. Neale ? trad. French; William
Harris) 6 When I survey the wondrous Cross (Rockingham) (Isaac Watts ?
Edward Miller; v.1 harm. Samuel Webbe, vv. 2?5 arr. Rutter) 7 Dear Lord and
Father of mankind (Repton) (J. G. Whittier ? Hubert Parry) 8 Be thou my
vision (Slane) (trad. Irish trans. Mary Byrne/Eleanor Hull ? trad. Irish
arr. Rutter) 9 The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended (St Clement) (John
Ellerton ? C. C. Scholefield; vv. 2, 4 & 5 arr. Rutter) 10 Let all
mortal flesh keep silence (Picardy) (Liturgy of St James trans. Gerard
Moultrie ? trad. French; Stephen Jackson) 11 Praise to the Lord, the
Almighty, the King of creation (Hast du denn, Jesu) (Joachim Neander trans.
Catherine Winkworth & others ? 17th-cent. German; vv.1?3 harm. English
Hymnal, desc. Cleobury) 12 My song is love unknown (Love Unknown) (Samuel
Crossman ? John Ireland) 13 The Lord’s my shepherd (Brother James’ Air)
(William Whittingham & others ? James Leith Macbeth Bain arr. Stephen
Johns) 14 Thine be the glory (Maccabaeus) (Edmond Budry & R. B.
Hoyle ? George Frideric Handel arr. Cleobury) 15 Drop, drop, slow tears (Song
46) (Phineas Fletcher ? Orlando Gibbons) 16 Glorious things of thee are
spoken (Abbot’s Leigh) 3.54 (John Newton ? Cyril Taylor) 17 All people
that on earth do dwell (The Old Hundredth) 4.58 (William Kethe ? Louis
Bourgeois arr. Vaughan Williams; version for brass ens. & organ Roy
Douglas) Choir of King’s College, Cambridge Thomas Bullard baritone (7
& 13) Sioned Williams harp (2, 8 & 13) The Wallace Collection (4,
14 & 17) Thomas Williamson organ (1, 3, 4, 11, 12 & 14) Benjamin
Bayl organ (5-7, 9, 10, 16 & 17) Stephen Cleobury CD2 CHOIR OF
KING’S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE 1 And did those feet in ancient time
(Jerusalem) (William Blake ? Parry) 2 Abide with me (Eventide) (Lyte
? W. H. Monk; vv. 2, 4 & 5 arr. Cleobury) 3 I vow to thee, my country
(Thaxted) (Cecil Spring-Rice ? Gustav Holst) 4 Alleluya, sing to Jesus
(Hyfrydol) (W. Chatterton Dix ? R. H. Prichard harm. Vaughan Williams) 5
Ye choirs of new Jerusalem (St Fulbert) (St Fulbert of Chartres trans.
Robert Campbell ? H. J. Gauntlett arr. David Willcocks) 6 The head that once
was crowned with thorns (St Magnus) (Thomas Kelly ? Jeremiah Clarke harm.
English Hymnal; desc. Willcocks) 7 Holy, holy, holy! (Nicaea) (Reginald
Heber ? J. B. Dykes; v.2 arr. Willcocks) 8 Praise to the Holiest (Richmond)
(J. H. Newman ? Thomas Haweis adapted Samuel Webbe II arr. Willcocks) 9
Wake, O wake! (Wachet auf!) (Philipp Nicolai trans. Francis Cranford Burkitt
? Nicolai adapted & harm. Bach BWV140.vii) 10 On Jordan’s bank, the
baptist’s cry (Winchester New) (Charles Coffin trans. John Chandler ?
17th-cent. German harm. English Hymnal; desc. Philip Ledger) 11 There is a
green hill far away (Horsley) (Mrs C. F. Alexander ? William Horsley) 12
O sacred head sore wounded (Passion Chorale) (Paul Gerhardt trans. Robert
Bridges ? Hans Hassler harm. Bach BWV244.xv & lxii) 13 Jesus Christ is
risen today (Easter Hymn) (18th-cent. English ? 18th-cent. English adapted
English Hymnal arr. Willcocks) 14 Bright the vision that delighted (Redhead
No.46) (Richard Mant ? Richard Redhead; desc. Willcocks) 15 Come, Holy
Ghost, our souls inspire (Veni Creator) (trans. John Cosin ?
plainchant) 16 Evening Hymn (Te lucis ante terminum) (Compline hymn ?
Henry Balfour Gardiner) Choir of King’s College, Cambridge Philip Jones
Brass Ensemble (5, 8 & 13) Oliver Brett organ (1 & 4) ・ Peter Stevens
organ (2 & 3) Ian Hare organ (5-8, 13 & 14) ・ Adrian Partington
organ (9 & 10) James Lancelot organ (16) Stephen Cleobury (1-4) ・ Sir
David Willcocks (5-8 & 12?16) ・ Sir Philip Ledger (9-11) CD3 CHOIRS OF
(Sanningsvittnet) (Carl Boberg trans. Stuart K. Hine ? trad. Swedish adapted
& arr. Hine) 2 Let all the world in every corner sing (Luckington)
(George Herbert ? Basil Harwood) 3 Amazing Grace (New Britain) (Newton
? 19th-cent. American arr. Philip Moore) 4 For all the saints who from their
labours rest (Sine nomine) 5.07 (William Walsham How ? Vaughan Williams) 5
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (St Peter) (Newton ? A. R. Reinagle harm.
English Hymnal) 6 Rejoice, the Lord is King (Gopsal) (Charles Wesley ?
Handel arr. John Wilson) 7 Soul of my saviour (Anima Christi) (14th-cent.
Latin trans. anon. ? William Maher arr. Moore) 8 Jesus shall reign where’er
the sun (Truro) (Watts ? 18th-cent. English harm. English Hymnal; v.4 arr.
John Scott Whiteley) 9 O worship the King (Hanover) (Robert Grant ?
William Croft harm. English Hymnal arr. Moore) 10 All creatures of our God
and King (Lasst uns erfreuen) (St Francis of Assisi trans. William H. Draper
? 17th-cent. German harm. Vaughan Williams; v.5 arr. Whiteley) York Minster
Choir John Scott Whiteley organ Philip Moore (p) 1996 11 Mine eyes
have seen the glory (Battle Hymn) (Julia W. Howe ? 19th-cent. American;
desc. Ian Tracey) 12 Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us (Mannheim) (James
Edmeston ? Friedrich Filitz) 13 On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross
(The Old Rugged Cross) (George Bennard) 14 All my hope on God is founded
(Michael) (Neander trans. Bridges ? Herbert Howells) 15 O come and mourn
with me awhile (St Cross) (F. W. Faber ? Dykes arr. Philip Marshall) 16
Love divine, all loves excelling (Blaenwern) (Wesley ? W. P. Rowlands) 17
Onward, Christian soldiers! (St Gertrude) (Revd Sabine Baring-Gould ? Arthur
Sullivan; brass & percussion arr. Tracey) Liverpool Cathedral Choir
& Massed Choirs from Merseyside Ian Wells organ Brass Ensemble
(17) Ian Tracey CD4 TEMPLE CHURCH CHOIR 1 The Lord’s my shepherd
(Crimond) (Whittingham & others ? Jessie Seymour Irvine harm. T. C. L.
Pritchard) 2 Love divine, all loves excelling (Love Divine) (Wesley ?
John Stainer; v.6 harm. George Thalben-Ball) 3 Hark, what a sound (Highwood)
(Frederick Myers ? R. R. Terry) 4 The King of love my shepherd is
(Dominus regit me) (Henry Baker ? Dykes) 5 Soldiers of Christ, arise (St
Ethelwald) (Wesley ? Monk) 6 Alleluya, sing to Jesus (Ebenezer) (Dix
? Thomas J. Williams) 7 Blessed Jesus, at thy word (Liebster Jesu)
(Tobias Clausnitzer trans. Winkworth ? Johann R. Ahle harm. (adapted) Bach
BWV373) 8 Loving shepherd of thy sheep (Buckland) (Jane Leeson ? Leighton
Hayne) 9 Be thou my guardian (Abridge) (Isaac Williams ? Isaac
Smith) 10 Lift up your heads (Crucis Victoria) (James Montgomery ? Myles
B. Foster) 11 Spirit of mercy, truth and love (Melcombe) (18th-cent.
English ? Samuel Webbe I) 12 Thou, whose almighty word (Moscow) (John
Marriott ? adapted from Felice de Giardini; v.4 harm. Thalben-Ball) 13 Forth
in thy name, O Lord, I go (Angel’s Song) (Wesley ? Gibbons) 14 O praise
ye the Lord (Laudate Dominum) (Baker ? Parry) 15 Jesus, blessed saviour
(Eudoxia / Caswall) (Faber ? Baring-Gould / Filitz) 16 All hail the power
of Jesu’s name (Ladywell) (Edward Perronet ? William Ferguson; v.3 harm.
Thalben-Ball) 17 Now thank we all our God (Nun danket) (Martin Rinkart
trans. Winkworth ? Johann Cruger harm. Felix Mendelssohn) Temple Church
Choir Ian Le Grice treble (15) Sir George Thalben-Ball organist &
great Jehovah (Cwm Rhondda) (William Williams trans. Peter Williams ? John
Hughes) 2 Immortal, invisible, God only wise (St Denio) (John Roberts ?
W. C. Smith) 3 Jesu, lover of my soul (Aberystwyth) (Wesley ? Joseph
Parry) 4 Christians awake, salute the happy morn (Stockport) (John Byrom ?
John Wainwright) 5 Eternal Father, strong to save (Melita) (William
Whiting ? Dykes) 6 Crown him with many crowns (Diademata) (Matthew
Bridges & Godfrey Thring ? G. J. Elvey) Huddersfield Choral Society
(chorus master Brian Kay) David Bell organ Owain Arwel Hughes (p) 1896
At the Cenotaph 7 Abide with me (Eventide) (Monk arr. military band
Gordon Langford) 8 O God, our help in ages past (St Anne) (Watts ? Croft
arr. C. H. Jaeger) Central Band of the RAF ・ Barry Rose organ Wing Cdr R.
E. C. Davies (7) Choir (chorus master Alan Barlow) ・ Band of the Irish
Guards David Bell organ Major C. H. Jaeger (8) (p) 1966/1995* The
Crucifixion 9 Cross of Jesus, cross of sorrow (Cross of Jesus) 10 Holy
Jesu, by thy passion 11 Jesus, the crucified, pleads for me 12 I adore
thee, I adore thee! 13 All for Jesus ? all for Jesus (Wycliff) (Revd J.
Sparrow-Simpson ? Stainer) Westminster Singers & congregation (9, 10, 12
& 13) John Scott organ Richard Hickox (p) 1986 14 Christe, qui
lux es et dies (attrib. St Ambrose of Milan ? plainchant) 15 Fairest Lord
Jesus (St Elisabeth / Schonster Herr Jesu) (17th-cent. German trans. Joseph
A. Seiss ? trad. Silesian / 17th-cent. German arr. Ronn Huff) 16 God be with
you till we meet again (Randolph) (J. E. Rankin ? Vaughan
Williams) American Boychoir Albemarle Consort (14 & 16) St Luke’s
Chamber Ensemble (15) William K. Trafka organ (16) James Litton (p)
Once in royal David’s city (Irby) (Alexander ? Gauntlett harm. A. H. Mann;
desc. Willcocks) 2 While shepherds watched their flocks by night (Winchester
Old) (Nahum Tate ? 16th-cent. English; desc. Willcocks) 3 God rest ye
merry, gentlemen (trad. West Country?trad. English arr. Willcocks) 4 O
little town of Bethlehem (Forest Green) (Phillips Brooks ? trad. English
harm. Vaughan Williams; desc. Thomas Armstrong, v.3 arr. Ledger) 5 The First
Nowell (trad. English ? trad. English arr. Stainer; v.6 arr. Ledger) 6 As
with gladness men of old (Dix) (Dix ? Konrad Kocher harm. English Hymnal;
v.3 arr. Willcocks) 7 Of the Father’s heart begotten (Divinum mysterium) 5.05
(Prudentius trans. R. F. Davis ? Piae cantiones arr. Willcocks) 8 O come,
O come, Emmanuel (Veni Emmanuel) (trans. Neale, rev. T. A. Lacey ?
15th-cent. French arr. Willcocks) 9 Bethlehem of noblest cities (Stuttgart)
(Prudentius trans. Edward Caswall ? 18th-cent. German harm. English Hymnal;
desc. Willcocks) 10 It came upon the midnight clear (Noel) (E. H. Sears
? trad. English adapted & arr. Sullivan; desc. Willcocks) 11 O come, all
ye faithful (Adeste fideles) (trans. Frederick Oakeley & W. T. Brooke ?
anon. harm. English Hymnal arr. Willcocks) 12 Hark! the herald angels sing
(Mendelssohn) (Wesley & others ? Mendelssohn adapted W. H. Cummings arr.
Willcocks) Bach Chorales & Chorale Preludes 13 Vom Himmel hoch
BWV248.ix & 700 (Luther ? 14th-cent. German) 14 Herr Christ, der
ein’ge Gottes-Sohn BWV22.v & 601 (Elisabeth Cruciger ? 15th-cent.
German) 15 Jesu, meine Freude BWV227.i & 610 (Johann Franck ?
Cruger) 16 Puer natus in Bethlehem BWV65.ii & 603 (14th-cent.
German) 17 In dulci jubilo BWV368 & 729 (14th-cent. German) Choir
of King’s College, Cambridge & congregation (3) Philip Jones Brass
Ensemble (11 & 12) Ian Hare organ (1, 6-9, 11 & 12) ・ John Wells
organ (2 & 10) Benjamin Bayl organ (3) ・ Francis Grier organ (4 &
5) Andrew Davis organ (13-16) ・ Sir David Willcocks solo organ (13-17) Sir
David Willcocks (1, 2 & 6-17) ・ Stephen Cleobury (3) ・ Sir Philip Ledger (4
& 5) マルチパック、8ページ・ブックレット付き EMI CZSW9483062 6枚組 輸入盤 発売日:
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